New household subsidy in France until 12/31/2024

As of December 1st 2023, the government has introduced a new grant: the "Pilotage connecté du chauffage pièce par pièce" boost, to encourage the installation of automatic temperature control systems in homes. Up to more than €600, depending on the surface of the home, it can make a significant contribution to financing the installation of a ThermoZYKLUS connected control system. Although very interesting, this aid is also limited in time, and will only last until the end of the year.

Who is eligible?

Occupants of at least 2 years old existing buildings with individual heating, meaning houses and apartments with an individual heating system. Another special feature is that the bonus is neither conditional nor proportional to your income.


These individual room control systems will become compulsory from January 1st 2027, so they should be taken advantage of to have this obligation partly financed by the state right now!