Technology in use

With THZ the control of any building, heating installation or output problem, no matter how specific, is simple and efficient.

Whether the issue is with the heater or the conditions on site, get an idea of their adaptability with examples of recurring technical issues in the field that ThermoZYKLUS solves automatically.

Heating problem

All hydraulic as well as electric heaters are controlled by ThermoZYKLUS with the same accuracy of +/- 0.15°C. Learn more about their specifics here.


Avec THZ, la régulation de tout bâtiment ou installation de chauffage, aussi spécifiques soient-ils, est simple et efficace.

Whether the problem is with the detector or the environment, ThermoZYKLUS adapts to all the current technical problems on the ground and resets them automatically.

Problématique de l'émetteur

Tous les émetteurs hydrauliques comme électriques sont régulés par ThermoZYKLUS avec la même précision à +/- 0,15°C. Discover their particularities here.

Underfloor heating
As the first eu.bac certified control for underfloor heating in Europe, ThermoZYKLUS has been considered for years as a reference for this inertial and therefore difficult to control heat generator. The thermocyclic approach makes it possible to control the inertia, avoid overheating and optimize the operation of these widely used hydraulic heating types.

The ZE central unit that controls the system, together with its RG/RS/RF sensors and SF/SK actuators, is eu.bac certified with an excellent CA = 0.3.

Hydraulic radiators
For more than 15 years, thousands of radiators have been thermocyclically controlled with unsurpassed accuracy. The combination of the ZE central unit for controlling the system, the RG/RS/RF sensors and the SF/SK valve motors allows easy automation of a radiator park and significant energy savings.
Hydraulic heating panels

The thermocyclic control, certified 0.4 for heat and 0.4 for cold eu.bac, allows easy control of this type of heating, increasingly used by manufacturers.

Precise to +/- 0.15°C, control of heating and cooling, automatic detection of open windows... the perfect solution to easily optimize the operation of this heat generator.

Hydraulic baseboard heaters
The uniform heat and the elimination of the cold wall effect of hydraulic baseboard heaters are optimized by the autonomous, high-precision thermocyclic control.
Planchers/plafonds/murs chauffants ou rafraîchissants
Première régulation certifiée eu.bac sur planchers chauffants en Europe, ThermoZYKLUS has held a place of reference for many years on this high-inertia heater, which is difficult to regulate. Its thermocyclic approach makes it possible to manage inertia, eliminate leakage and optimize the operation of these large-scale hydraulic impellers.

L'unité centrale ZE de pilotage du système, associée à ses sondes RG/RS/RF et à ses moteurs de vanne SF/SK, est certifiée eu.bac avec l'excellent CA = 0,3.

Radiateurs hydrauliques
For more than 15 years, millions of radiators have been thermocyclically regulated with unparalleled precision. Certifiée eu.bac avec l'excellent Ca = 0,2 sur radiateurs hydrauliques, la combinaison de l'unité centrale ZE de pilotage du système, des sondes RG/RS/RF et des moteurs de vanne SF/SK, permet d'automatiser facilement un parc de radiateurs et de réaliser des économies d'énergie substantielles.
Panneaux rayonnants hydrauliques
Certifiée 0,4 en chaud et 0,4 en froid, la régulation thermocyclique permet de réguler facilement cet émetteur de plus en plus fréquemment utilisé par les constructeurs. Precise at +/- 0.15°C, management of humidity and room temperature, automatic open window detection... the perfect solution for optimizing the operation of this detector.
Plinthes chauffantes hydrauliques
The homogeneous cooling and elimination of freezing effects of hydraulic plinths are optimized thanks to autonomous and ultra-precise thermocyclic regulation.
Infrared radiant heating 230 V / 24 V
The special feature of the ThermoZYKLUS control is the automatic power control. The temperature of the heating is automatically and dynamically adjusted to the actual demand. This significantly reduces surface temperatures, which noticeably improves comfort and at the same time reduces electricity consumption.
Electrically heated floors/ceilings/walls
Their operation is optimized by the autonomous and maintenance-free ThermoZYKLUS control, which provides optimal thermal comfort and significant energy savings.
Electric radiators

Very widespread in France, among other countries, their ultra-precise control through ThermoZYKLUS represents a tremendous lever for savings and fast and efficient comfort.

Electric baseboards
The control principle is the same as for electric heating panels with power modulation, which ensures dynamic and predictive control of electric baseboard heaters.
Chauffage rayonnant infrarouge 230 V / 24 V

The particularity of the regulation ThermoZYKLUS lies in the automatic power regulation. The temperature of the emcee adapts automatically and dynamically as required. The surface temperatures are thus considerably reduced, which significantly improves comfort and reduces electrical consumption at the same time.

Planchers/plafonds/murs chauffants électriques
Emetteurs appréciés pour leur discrétion mais réputés énergivores, leur fonctionnement est optimisé par la régulation ThermoZYKLUS, autonome et sans entretien, pour un confort thermique optimal et des économies d'énergie substantielles.
Radiateurs électriques

Très répandus, leur régulation ultra-précise par ThermoZYKLUS représente un formidable levier d'économies et de confort rapide et efficace.

Plinthes chauffantes électriques

The principle of regulation is the same as for electric radiant panels with power modulation to ensure dynamic and predictive regulation of the electric radiant panels.

Technical challenges in operation

Often, conventional control is not sufficient to take into account all conditions in the field. This is where ThermoZYKLUS makes the difference, e.g. with

100% radio control of gas air heaters

In a complex environment, such as a logistics warehouse, with large room heights, areas and, above all, a lot of steel, the thermocyclic control easily regulates the gas air heaters via radio and saves 30% energy

Intelligent radiator control : easy automation via radio of a high number of radiators

Hydraulic radiators are widely used especially in schools - with THZ they are automated by simply screwing the actuator onto the radiator and dynamically controlled via radio.

Cooling management - Dew point

ThermoZYKLUS makes life easier for installers and avoids mold and condensation, among other things.


60s floor heating

Wired or wireless : the THZ individual room control allows to keep the low temperature floor heating systems with steel heating pipes, often installed in apartment buildings in old buildings, but at the same time to optimize their operation.

Electric heater with pilot line (widely used in France).

From now on, these "energy-guzzling toasters" can be efficiently controlled by the ST-FP control and no longer need to be systematically replaced during energy refurbishments.

Défis techniques du terrain

Often, conventional regulation is not enough to take account of all the conditions on the ground. There too, ThermoZYKLUS makes the difference, with for example

Régulation 100% radio des aérothermes gaz

In a complex environment such as an entrepôt logistique, with large heights below ground level, metal structures, racks and convoyers, thermocyclic regulation regulates the gas aerotherms without problems by radio and allows 30% of energy to be saved.

Entrepôt logistique (10) :
régulation 100 % radio =
- 30 % de consommation gaz
Tête connectée : automatization d'un parc de radiateurs 100 % radio
Hydraulic radiators are very popular, especially in schools - with THZ, all you need to do is connect the vane to the radiator in place of the thermostatic handle to automate and control them dynamically and automatically by radio.



Gestion du rafraîchissement - Point de rosée

ThermoZYKLUS facilitates the life of the installer and avoids, among other things, heat loss and condensation.


Télécharger le PDF "Technologie de régulation hygrométrique FF"

Plancher chauffant des années 60

Filaire ou radio, la régulation terminale THZ permet de conserver les planchers chauffants à tubes acier, souvent installés dans les immeubles anciens, tout en optimisant leur fonctionnement. Economies of energy without massive renovation of the equipment !


Télécharger le PDF "Réguler efficacement un plancher chauffant des années
1960 dans les logements collectifs -c'est possible !"

Radiateur électrique fil pilote (très répandu en France)
These "grille-pain énergivores" can now be efficiently regulated thanks to ST-FP regulation and must no longer be systematically replaced during energy renovations.


Télécharger le PDF "Régulation par pièce centralisée pour radiateur électrique fil pilote"